Real Estate Sales & Rental Info At And Around [Location]

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2602 Turbridge Ln, Alexandria Real Estate Update

$1,200,000 ↔ Alexandria VA 22308

Buying real estate in the Alexandria area comparable to 2602 Turbridge Ln will probably be the largest money choice most residents of Fairfax County will ever make. Indeed, as a Northern Virginia agent, Nesbitt Realty will be a strong defender who realizes the informational and emotional backing that buyers need in the course of your purchase. Indeed, there are always dangers in 22308 real estate.  Nevertheless, a responsive agent such as Nesbitt is able to help you to manage or avoid many of the pitfalls  associated with buying a residence in 22308 in Alexandria. Continue reading
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2214 Creek Dr, Alexandria Real Estate Announcement

Dreaming about Detached Homes At Stratford Landing? Look At This Residence.

2214 Creek Dr is a wonderful home, But it's not for every buyer. It's a smart idea to sort out your priorities. What do you absolutely need from your home? What would be nice if you could find it?

There are a lot of things to really consider. By way of illustration:

Do you like brick detached home? Do you prefer brick or siding? What type of siding? Is a view important to you? Do you want a waterview or waterfront detached home? Does the hot-water heater matter to you? Do you prefer gas or electric? The most common hot-water heater at area is natural gas. Continue reading
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