$569,900 // 1 Bedroom in 22206 in Arlington County at Fairlington Glen
So, is 4118 36th St S #A2 the residence for you? Perhaps. To answer that with confidence, Monika Ortiz has to know the answer to a number of questions.
Are you dreaming about a $569,900 condo in 22206 in Arlington? Are you shopping for a choice 1-bedroom home in Arlington? Do you need 2 full baths and 0 half baths?
Can you afford $569,900? Is it actually worth $605,000 or $545,000? How would you like Nesbitt Realty to rebate you $3,065 on this purchase of real estate? Contact
Monika Ortiz to get an up to the minute look at exactly what $569,900 can buy you in 22206 in Arlington.
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