Category: Beacon Manor
2231 Roanoke Dr, Alexandria VA 22307 Listed For Sale
Duplex at Beacon Manor
Looking For 896 Sqft In Alexandria, Virginia?
Will Nesbitt informs us that, depending upon your prequalified spending limit, you might want to take into account this place at 2231 Roanoke Dr which is selling for $469,500. Compare 2231 Roanoke Dr to other similarly-sized duplexes in Alexandria, Virginia. Continue reading6734 Radcliffe Dr, Alexandria VA 22307 Listed
Alexandria Virginia Advertised For Sale :: $479,900
6734 Radcliffe Dr is appears to be a wise purchase for many reasons. But Nesbitt Realty is not recommending you buy this place, or any particular duplex in 22307 in Fairfax County ... at least, not until your agent know your goals. It's more important to me that we find the best choice of residence for you. It's a smart idea to sort out your priorities. What do you absolutely need from your home? What would be nice if you could find it?Some of your considerations may include:
How important is it that you stay in 22307? Have you considered neighboring areas? Do you need a handicap accessible home? Or maybe, you like steps? Do you need a handicap accessible duplex? Or maybe, you like steps? Continue reading2253 Roanoke Dr, Alexandria VA 22307 Listed
Would You Be Willing To Pay $450,000 For A Mid 20th-Century 2-Bedroom Place In 22307 in Fairfax County?
2253 Roanoke Dr is located in the Alexandria area of Northern Virginia. Here are various matters for home buyers who are looking at this area to think about.The 22307 Area Facts
- The average days on market in the 22307 area is 33 days.
- The average living area in the 22307 area is 1,183 sqft. However, 2253 Roanoke Dr has 896 sqft of living area.
- The 22307 Area has an average price per square foot of $502 . But, 2253 Roanoke Dr is $502 per sqft.
- Did you know that brick is the most common type of exterior in the 22307 area?
- 6631 Wakefield Dr #620 is the least expensive home in the 22307 area. 6631 Wakefield Dr #620 is listed for $174,900. However, 1200 Gatewood Dr is the highest-priced home in the 22307 area. 1200 Gatewood Dr is asking $1,150,000.
- The median age of homes in the 22307 area is 60 years. 2253 Roanoke Dr is 70 years old.
1,138 Sqft Colonial In 22307 In Fairfax County

How Much Do Duplexes In 22307 Rent For?
Looking for a rental at Beacon Manor like 6821 Radcliffe Dr in Nearly all?
Continue reading 2-bedroom Traditional-style $425,000 |-| 6802 Radcliffe Dr Alexandria VA 22307
WHAT A VIEW! Pristine and Updated 2BR/2BA 3-Level Brick Home Backing to Bucknell Manor Park in Alexandria! Darling Beacon Manor GEM Features Gorgeous Refinished Hardwood Floors Throughout Main and Upper Levels Plus Stairs * Updated Kitchen … [Read more]
$425,000 |-| 2 BR |-| 2 BA |-| 0 HB |-| 896 SQFT |-| 6802 Radcliffe Dr Alexandria 22307 VA Continue reading896 Sqft Place For $390,000 In Alexandria, Virginia
6726 Radcliffe Dr, Alexandria VA is an interesting opportunity at $390,000.
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Guidance For Home Buyers In Alexandria, VA